军区党委九届六次全体(扩大)会议强调 更加坚定自觉地贯彻落实科学发展观 不断促进军区部队各项工作有效落实 党委书记符廷贵作工作报告党委副书记房峰辉作重要讲话

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2008年12月25日至26日,军区党委召开九届六次全体(扩大)会议,传达学习军委扩大会议精神,总结军区2008年度工作,部署2009年任务。军区党委书记符廷贵同志代表军区党委常委作工作报告,党委副书记房峰辉同志就工作指导问题作重要讲话。党委常委邱金凯、黄汉标、段端武、杨建亭、黄建国、董万才、董明祥、黄高成和党委委员出席会议。军区联勤部、装备部副职领导,各大单位和石家庄机械化步兵学院部门领导,军区机关二级部部长,参加民主推荐干部的全区正师级单位和作战旅主官列席会议。符廷贵同志在总结2008年工作时指出,一年来,军区各级坚决贯彻党中央、中央军委和胡主席的决策指示,按照军区党委年初确定的“围绕一条主线、突出两个重点、着力抓好五项工作”的总体思路,聚精会神搞建设、全力以赴抓落实,圆满完成了年度各项工作任务,部队建设在科学发展的轨道上迈 From December 25 to December 25, 2008, the party committee of the military region convened the sixth plenary (enlarged) meeting of the Ninth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to convey the spirit of the Central Military Commission for expanding the conference, summarize the 2008 annual work of the military region and deploy the task for 2009. Comrade Fu Tinggui, secretary of the military region party committee, made a report on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Military Region Party Committee. Comrade Fang Fenghui, deputy party secretary, made an important speech on the work guidance. Party committee members Qiu Jinkai, Huang Hanbiao, Duan Duanwu, Yang Jianting, Huang Jianguo, Dong Wancai, Dong Mingxiang, Huang Gaocheng and Party members attended the meeting. The leaders of the joint logistics department of the PLA Military Affairs Department, the deputy commander of the Armament Department, the leaders of the major units and the department of Shijiazhuang Mechanized Infantry College, the minister of the second level of the military region authorities, the division-level units participating in the democratic recommendation of cadres and the chief war-fighting brigade attended the meeting. In summarizing the work in 2008, Comrade Fu Tinggui pointed out in the past year that the military authorities at various levels resolutely implemented the directives for decision-making made by the Central Party Committee of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission and Chairman Hu, and focused on two key points focusing on one main line in line with the one set by the military district party committee at the beginning of the year. Five Work ", concentrate on the construction of the wholeheartedly, go all out to grasp the implementation, satisfactorily completed the annual tasks, and army building is on the track of scientific development.
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近年来,学校党委在公司党委的正确领导下,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以科学发展观统领学校工作全局,围绕教学培训这一中心,创造性地开展党建工作,努力建 In