
来源 :治淮 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chunxianniunai
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在广袤的淮河中、下游平原上,有一个富庶美丽的县份,因有淮、浍、祟、潼、沱五条河流贯串其境,故而名曰“五河”。历史上的五河,有“水乡泽国”之称。因其境内河流纵横,湖泊星罗棋布,地势低洼,故而水灾频繁。据记载,解放前的500年间,五河县约发生水灾240多次。每次水灾发生时,即会出现“禾苗万壑几成沼,茅屋千家半是鱼”的凄凉景象,五河人民饱尝了水患之苦。新中国成立后,勤劳勇敢的五河人民,在县委、县政府的领导下,与水旱灾害进行了不懈的斗争。经过40年的艰苦努力,共修筑堤防194公里,疏浚河道370公里,开挖大、中、小沟7000余条,建涵闸67座,排灌站200余座,中、小型水库35座,山塘1000多面,计做土石方近10亿立方米。这些工程,为五河经济的振兴,奠定了雄厚的物质基础。 In the vast Huai River, the lower reaches of the plains, there is a rich and beautiful county, because of Huai, Sui, haunt, Tong, Tuo five rivers run through its territory, hence the name “Five Rivers.” Five rivers in history, there is “water country” called. Because of its vertical and horizontal rivers, lakes dotted, low lying, so frequent flooding. According to records, 500 years ago before liberation, Wuhe County about 240 floods occurred. Each flood occurs, that is, there will be “desolate as many as a thousand seedlings, hut thousand and a half of the fish,” the bleak scene, five rivers and the people suffered a flood suffering. After the founding of New China, the industrious and brave Wuhe people, under the leadership of the county party committee and county government, carried out unremitting struggles with floods and droughts. After 40 years of arduous efforts, a total of 194 kilometers of dikes were built and 370 kilometers of dredged river channels were dredged. More than 7,000 large, medium and small ditches were excavated, 67 culvert gates, over 200 irrigation and drainage stations, 35 medium and small reservoirs, More than 1,000 surface, do earth and stone nearly 1 billion cubic meters. These projects laid a solid material foundation for the revitalization of the five rivers.
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