The authors reported on 62 cases of limited-stage small cell lung cancer at the Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center. All patients were confirmed by pathology and were able to receive comprehensive treatment. The tumor is confined to the ipsilateral thorax, mediastinum, and can be accompanied by ipsilateral or contralateral supraclavicular lymph node metastases, but no pleural effusion. From 1979 to 1982, 36 patients with limited-stage SCLC were treated with prophylactic brain irradiation. Due to lack of effective evidence and increased side-effects, 26 cases of limited-stage SCLC screened in addition to prophylactic brain irradiation from 1985 to 1989, but the CNS metastasis was significant. The increase prompted the authors to re-evaluate the role of prophylactic brain irradiation. Both prophylactic brain irradiation (+) and prophylactic brain irradiation (-) received four cycles of CAV (CTX, ADR and VCR) and C-DDP+VP-16 alternating induction chemotherapy. Prophylactic brain irradiation (+) was given CTX and VCR consolidation chemotherapy, and maintenance chemotherapy was also alternated between CAV and C-DDP+VP-16. Prophylactic brain irradiation (+) plus CCNU, MTX, and PCZ chemotherapy. Prophylactic brain radiation (-) completed induction chemotherapy 1 week after CR and