Patient 24 years old, hospital number 146,638. Pregnancy 2 0, 40 weeks pregnant. December 22, 1986 morning because of vaginal red admission, the law began contractions that night, labor progressing smoothly. At 6:20 on the 23rd, the membranes self-break, clear amniotic fluid, cervix open large 7 ~ 8cm, fetal heart rate is good. 6:55 found maternal pain, uterine contraction was spasmodic, non-stop. Trace the cause and found 10 minutes before erroneous intramuscular ergotine 0.2mg, immediate intramuscular injection of scopolamine 0.3mg. Internal Clinics: Close to the cervix, the fetal head dropped to S ~ (+1), mild edema of the anterior cervical lip, then hand push the edge of the edge of the cervix to open the whole. About 15 minutes after the above treatment, contractions slightly intermittent, due to the slowing of the fetal heart rate, oxygen immediately and use “small triple”