河南是我的故乡。那里的人民,那里的土地,那里的一切,都时时在吸引着我。这几年来,从河南农村不断传来许多令人兴奋的喜讯:那块土地在激变,人民在挣脱穷困,奔向富裕了。但故乡究竟变成什么样子了呢?我一直盼着能去看一看。 今年国庆节前夕,党的十二大刚刚闭幕,我有机会去了一次河南。虽然只有短短的几天,也只走了豫东的宁陵、沈丘、杞县、扶沟等四个县,但是那里变化之大、之快,实在出乎我的意料。农村好象注入了
Henan is my hometown. The people there, the land there, the things there are always attracting me. In recent years, many exciting news from the rural areas of Henan continue to convey that the land is undergoing radical changes and the people are striding out of poverty and into affluence. But what did the hometown look like? I was looking forward to seeing it. On the eve of this year’s National Day, the 12th National Congress of the Party has just concluded, and I have a chance to go to Henan. Although only a few days, only to go east of Ningling, Shenqiu, Qixian, Fugou and other four counties, but where the changes are fast, it is beyond my expectation. The countryside seems to have been infused