克劳追奥·蒙特威尔第Claudio Monteverdi 1567年生于意大利克雷莫纳,1643年卒于意大利威尼斯克劳迪奥·蒙特威尔第是意大利籍音乐预言家;他写了大量牧歌,又创造了新的、经过改良的弦乐音乐,并以此从音乐中大获其利。大作曲家的父亲总是不愿让儿子进入音乐领域(太容易遭到暗算了),这在音乐野电上是屡见不鲜的事,小克劳迪奥也不例外。不过还算公平,蒙特威尔第先生也不许另一个儿子吉乌里奥·恺萨列进入政治领域,理由完全相同,也是太容易遭到暗算。
Claudio Monteverdi Claudio Monteverdi was born in Cremona, Italy, in 1567 and died in Venice, Italy, in 1643. Claudio Monteverdi was Italian music prophet; he wrote a large number of pastorals and created New, improved string music, and to benefit greatly from the music. The big composer’s father always reluctant to let his son into the music field (too easy to be plotted), which is not uncommon in the music field, small Claudio is no exception. Fair enough, however, Mr. Monteverdi also forbade another son, Giulio Caesar, to enter the political arena for exactly the same reason and too easily to be censured.