On the occasion of the new generation, some kind of “rupture” in the cultural bloodline is unavoidable. However, the literature is radical in nature. On the surface, the political leather revolution plays an important role in the literature of the former Dynasties. The founding of the Republic of China did indeed crush the original pattern of the taxiworkers. Former forerunners retreated to the edge, while some reformers slowly entered the core of power (such as Liang Qichao). The revolutionaries who were hunted and hunted by the Qing court became the Republic of China Yuanlao (such as Zhang Taiyan, Wu Chih-hui, etc.). Moreover, many important novelists in the Qing Dynasty also died in most of the deaths, and political administration (in the case of the four condemned novelists of the Qing quarter referred to by Lu Xun, Li Bo-yuan, Wu Woo-yao and Liu Xun, respectively, in 1906, 1910 Years, died in 1909, once Meng Park is cast