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任何事物,都有它的两面,悲观者见其阴面,乐观者见其阳面。随着城市化进程的加快,农民工子女大量涌入城市公办中小学校,他们所带来的传统农村文化,与当地的现代城市文化必然有所差异,会产生冲突,甚至冲撞。针对这种现象,也产生了两种态度。一种视之为洪水猛兽,力图收紧城市的围篱以阻挡之;另一种则视之为新的契机,以两种文化的融合,作为创新学校文化的有益资源。在城市化的滚滚洪流之中,采取后一种态度无疑是明智的。毕竟,不同文化之间没有优劣之分,强势文化未必十全十美,弱势文化也并非一无是处。只有接纳、融合与创新,才是解决不同文化之间冲突的根本途径。大海之大,在于汇聚江河;文化之大,在于包容、在于和谐。 Everything has its two sides, the pessimist sees its shadow, and the optimist sees its sun. With the acceleration of urbanization and the influx of migrant workers and children into public primary and secondary schools in cities, the traditional rural culture they bring inevitably differs from the local modern urban culture, creating conflicts and even collisions. In response to this phenomenon, also produced two attitudes. One is seen as a scourge of water, trying to tighten the city’s fence to stop it; the other is regarded as a new opportunity to use the integration of the two cultures as a useful resource for innovation in school culture. In the rolling stream of urbanization, it is undoubtedly wise to adopt the latter attitude. After all, there is no advantage or disadvantage between different cultures, a strong culture may not be perfect, and a weak culture is not without merit. Only acceptance, integration and innovation are the fundamental ways to solve the conflicts between different cultures. The great sea lies in bringing together the rivers. The great culture lies in tolerance and harmony.
 1.“你们知道现在最成功的‘行为艺术家’是谁吗 ?”   不知何故,“行为艺术”、“行为文学”、“行为学术”的倡议与实践正在如雨后春笋,什么“南京行为艺术展:作者裸体入
美国陆军负责坦克主要武器系统的计划负责人目前正在皮卡蒂尼兵工厂与德国莱茵金属公司进行合同谈判,旨在让对方提供3门 120mm滑膛炮的L55型火炮及其相关的技术数据资料。德
在河岸上钓鱼的人并非是为了钓 鱼。钓鱼是一种瘾。坐在河岸上的人看似 一动不动的,心却是随着那水的波动而 波动着。瞬息之间变化着的水,像瞬息之 间变化着的生活、生命,没