时下,“孔雀东南飞”的议论几乎随处可闻,有的甚至惊呼:不仅“孔雀东南飞”,连“麻雀”也东南飞了! 可见,人才外流现象已成为人们普遍关注的“热点”。但科技人员流动的实际情况到底如何。迄今尚缺乏完整和确切的统计资料。鉴于此,最近,我们对全省79个省属和中央在湘科研院所、35所高等院校和19个规划设计院(含长沙市3家)共133个单位进行了一次问卷统计调查和典型调查,收回有效调查表115份,其中科研院所71份、设计单位16份、高等院校28份,回收率为
Nowadays, the talk about the peacock flying south-east is almost everywhere and some even exclaim: Not only the “peacock flies to the southeast” but also the “sparrow” southeast! This shows that the phenomenon of brain drain has become a “hot spot” . However, the actual situation of the flow of scientific and technological personnel in the end how. To date, there is a lack of complete and accurate statistics. In light of this, recently, we conducted a questionnaire survey on 133 provincial-owned and provincial-level 133 scientific research institutes, 35 higher education institutions and 19 planning and design institutes (including 3 in Changsha) Typical survey, to recover 115 valid questionnaires, including 71 scientific research institutes, 16 design units, 28 colleges and universities, the recovery rate was