1 整地,施肥在确立好繁种地块后,在选好秋翻地的基础上,及时进行春耕,重点打碎坷垃,拣净根茬、石块。在施足农肥的基础上,辅助化肥,氮、磷、钾配施比例2:1:1为宜,和腐熟的农肥混合作为底肥施人垄沟内,耕层为15~20cm为宜,确保作物生长后期不脱肥,施量为:农肥40~45m~3/hm~2、碳酸氢铵300~350kg/hm~2,磷酸二铵150~200kg/hm~2,硫酸钾100~150kg/hm~2。
A site preparation, fertilization After the establishment of a good variety of plots, the selection of autumn on the basis of the ground, in a timely manner spring plowing, focusing on breaking Kejue, pick net root stubble, stones. On the basis of applying adequate fertilizer, auxiliary fertilizer, N, P and K ratio of 2: 1: 1 is suitable, mixed with the decomposed agricultural fertilizer as the base fertilizer to be applied in the furrow, and the tillage layer is 15 ~ 20cm, to ensure the crop The amount of fertilizer is 40-45m ~ 3 / hm ~ 2, ammonium bicarbonate 300 ~ 350kg / hm ~ 2, diammonium phosphate 150 ~ 200kg / hm ~ 2, potassium sulfate 100 ~ 150kg / hm ~ 2.