最近机械行业许多企业正与外商谈合资,但对怎么办合资,合资企业申办程序,怎么争取对外谈判的主动,怎么搞好合资合同的签定等等问题不甚了解。为使大家了解,依据机械企业的特点和目前国家有关合资企业的政策、法规,总结几个问题,供大家研究。 1.要选择投资少,见效快,创汇高,盈利多的项目,要有利于产业结构的调整,适应国民经济建设的发展。 2.符合国内外市场的需要,有利于扩大产品出口创汇,有利于利用国外先进技术、工艺,改造老产品,加速升级换代,提高产品质量,发展技术密集型的出口的品。 3.有利于提高国内机电设备技术水平和制造能力,机械工业是国民经济的装备部,它的技术水平高低直接影响国民经济的发展。因此,我们要选择那些具有先进技术和先进生产工艺的项目,提高国内制造水平。
Recently, many enterprises in the machinery industry are talking about joint ventures with foreign businessmen, but they do not quite understand the issues of how to set up joint ventures, the procedures for bidding for joint ventures, how to win the initiative in foreign negotiations, and how to do a good job of signing joint venture contracts. In order to let everyone know, according to the characteristics of the machinery companies and the current state of the joint venture’s policies and regulations, summarize several issues for everyone to study. 1. The selection of projects with low investment, quick results, high foreign exchange earnings, and high profits should be conducive to the adjustment of the industrial structure and to the development of the national economy. 2. Meet the needs of domestic and foreign markets, which is conducive to the expansion of foreign exchange through exports, the use of advanced foreign technologies and processes, the transformation of old products, the acceleration of upgrading, the improvement of product quality, and the development of technology-intensive export products. 3. It is beneficial to improve the technical level and manufacturing capability of domestic electromechanical equipment. The machinery industry is the equipment department of the national economy, and its level of technology directly affects the development of the national economy. Therefore, we must select those projects with advanced technologies and advanced production processes to improve the domestic manufacturing level.