摇轮琴是一种古老的民间乐器,它象一个变形的大肚子的大型小提琴。它有一组琴键,靠近中部有个滚轮,通过摇动摇把带动滚轮摩擦琴弦发出声音。几世纪前,盲人艺人经常在西班牙加利西亚(Galicia)和卡斯蒂利亚(Castilla)的村庄和大路上以及欧洲许多地方的大路上弹奏它。盲人艺人沿着村子或在教堂门前用摇轮琴弹唱通俗文艺作品的现象是在这种乐器的衰败时期出现的。加利西亚大学室内合唱团指挥卡洛斯·比里亚努埃瓦(Carlos Villanueva,见封底照片)介绍说:“这种乐器
Rocker is an ancient folk instrument, it is like a deformed big belly of a large violin. It has a set of keys, a wheel near the middle, and a roller that rubs the strings to make a sound by shaking the handlebar. Centuries ago, blind entertainers often played it on villages and highways in Galicia and Castilla, and on many roads in many parts of Europe. The phenomenon of blind artistes snaaling popular literary and artistic works along the village or at the church in front of the church appeared during the decay of the instrument. Carlos Villanueva, director of the Chamber Choir of the University of Galicia (see cover photo), said: "This instrument