当我们站在网络文明的历史长河上,回首纵览了计算机发展的一座座丰碑,PC、DOS、WINDOWS以及在它们之后的MULTIMEDIA(多媒体)、INTERNET(互联网)、WWW(环球网)、BROWSER(浏览器)、JAVA语言、NC(网络计算机)……以史为镜,新思维在心中萌动,于是又有了灵感和联想,预言了下一个新的里程碑,一定是SOFTROBOT(也可以称之为VROBOT、JAVAROBOT或PAGEROBOT)或VLIFE(即虚拟生命) 本文提出了这个新概念,构思出了实现它的技术方案,并论证了它那水到渠成、瓜熟蒂落的大趋势我们应该联手去树立起这座新的丰碑,去开拓这个新的软件天地。我们应该去创建我们东方的网络文明,重振我们曾经有过四大发明的昔日辉煌!本文是杜贵强先生继《话说环球网WWW》之后的又一力作,文章构思精妙、论点翔实,能给人以新的启示。望广大读者能继续关注本文,并且提出宝贵的意见。
As we stand on the long history of cybercivilization, we take a look back at a monument to computer development, PC, DOS, WINDOWS, and MULTIMEDIA, INTERNET, WWW, BROWSER JAVA language, NC (network computer) ...... History as a mirror, new ideas in the heart of the sprout, so there is inspiration and association, predicts the next new milestone must be SOFTROBOT (also known as VROBOT , JAVAROBOT or PAGEROBOT) or VLIFE (ie virtual life) This article presents this new concept, conceived of the technical solutions to achieve it, and demonstrated its well-conceived, well-established trends we should join forces to establish this new monument , To open up this new software world. We should go to create our eastern cyber civilization and revitalize the past glory of the four great inventions we have ever had. This article is another masterpiece of Mr. Du Guiqiang after “Speaking about WWW.” With new revelation. Hope readers can continue to pay attention to this article, and put forward valuable opinions.