在酒精工业中,每生产1吨酒精有20多吨酒糟液。据分析,以甘薯干为原料的酒糟液中干物质占2.06%,其中含有蛋白质、脂肪、聚戊糖、纤维素、灰分以及B 族维生素等适于微生物生长的营养物质。目前,大部分酒糟液都被排放废弃,既未开发利用,又污染了环境。为此,我们作了以酒糟液制备香菇液体种的试验,现将初步结果报告于下:材料与方法(一)供试材料①菌种为香菇Cr—02,从古田引进。②酒糟液取自长沙酒厂,其原料为甘薯干。酒糟液原pH 为3.5,用NaOH 调至6.5后使用。
In the alcohol industry, there are more than 20 tons of distiller’s grains per tonne of alcohol produced. According to the analysis, dry matter as raw material of sweet potato stems accounted for 2.06% dry matter, which contains protein, fat, pentose, cellulose, ash and B vitamins and other nutrients suitable for microbial growth. At present, most of the distiller’s grains have been discarded, which has neither been exploited nor contaminated the environment. To this end, we made a lees liquid preparation of mushroom liquid test, the preliminary results are reported below: Materials and methods (a) the test material ① mushroom species mushroom Cr-02, introduced from Furuta. ② distiller’s liquor from Changsha wineries, raw materials for sweet potatoes dry. The original pH of stillage is 3.5 and it is adjusted to 6.5 with NaOH.