JEA 型φ5m 掘进机是国家科委、煤炭部为加速煤炭建设现代化的重大科研项目。由煤炭科学院上海研究所设计,并由上海机电局及上海市科委安排给上海重型机器厂进行试制。经过一年的奋战,在完成一些零件科研任务的基础上,于1984年年底完成了对所有零件的加工,1985年5月完成总装及试运转
The JEA φ5m roadheader is a major scientific research project to accelerate the modernization of coal construction by the National Science Committee and the Ministry of Coal. Designed by the Shanghai Institute of Coal Science, and organized by the Shanghai Mechanical and Electrical Bureau and Shanghai Science and Technology Commission to Shanghai Heavy Machinery Factory for trial production. After a year of hard work, based on the completion of some parts scientific research tasks, the processing of all parts was completed at the end of 1984, and the final assembly and test run was completed in May 1985.