The electric properties and the current-controlled differential negative resistance of cBN crystal

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rg595091068
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The electric properties of nonintentionally doped n-cubic boron nitride(cBN) crystal are investigated.The cBN crystal was transformed from hexagonal-boron nitride(h-BN) under high pressure(HP) and high temperature(HT) using magnesium powder as catalyst.At room temperature,the current-voltage(I-V) characteristics of cBN crystal are measured and found to be nonlinear.When the electric field is in the range of(1―1.5)×105 V/cm,the avalanche breakdown occurs inside the whole cBN crystal.At this same time,the bright blue-violet with the wavelength of 380―400 nm from the cBN crystal is observed.When measuring the I-V curve after breakdown of cBN crystal,the current-controlled differential negative resistance phenomenon is observed.The breakdown is repeatable. The electric properties of nonintentionally doped n-cubic boron nitride (cBN) crystal are investigated. CBN crystal was transformed from hexagonal-boron nitride (h-BN) under high pressure (HP) and high temperature (HT) using magnesium powder as catalyst .At room temperature, the current-voltage (IV) characteristics of cBN crystals are measured and found to be nonlinear.When the electric field is in the range of (1-1.5) × 105 V / cm, the avalanche breakdown happens inside the whole cBN crystal. At this same time, the bright blue-violet with the wavelength of 380-400 nm from the cBN crystal is observed. Phenomenon the IV curve after breakdown of cBN crystal, the current-controlled differential negative resistance phenomenon is observed The breakdown is repeatable.
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