Correlation between the transdermal characteristics of pseudoephedrine and amygdalin in majiepingchu

来源 :Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qubinai
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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the transdermal profile of pseudoephedrine and amygdalin in the Traditional Chinese Medicine majiepingchuan in rat skin and to reveal their interaction.METHODS: A Franz diffusion cell was used in vitro to evaluate the transdermal parameters of cumulative transdermal flux(Q_(tot)), cumulative transmission(T_(tot)), and mean penetration rate(Kp) of pseudoephedrine and amygdalin in majiepingchuan. Linear regression analyses of Q_(tot)over time of pseudoephedrine vs amygdalin and their ratios was adopted for correlation evaluation.RESULTS: At 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 h, the Q_(tot),T_(tot)and Kp of pseudoephedrine showed a good correlation with that of amygdalin.CONCLUSION: There was a small difference in theratios of Q_(tot), T_(tot)and Kp between pseudoephedrine and amygdalin, and a correlation between them. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the transdermal profile of pseudoephedrine and amygdalin in the Traditional Chinese Medicine majiepingchuan in rat skin and to reveal their interaction. METHODS: A Franz diffusion cell was used in vitro to evaluate the transdermal parameters of cumulative transdermal flux (Q - (tot) ), cumulative transmission (T tot), and mean penetration rate (Kp) of pseudoephedrine and amygdalin in majiepingchuan. Linear regression analyzes of Qt (tot) over time of pseudoephedrine vs amygdalin and their ratios were taken for correlation evaluation .RESULTS: At 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 h, the Q - tot, T tot and Kp of pseudoephedrine showed a good correlation with that of amygdalin.CONCLUSION: There was a small difference in theratios of Q - tot. , T tot (tot) and Kp between pseudoephedrine and amygdalin, and a correlation between them.
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