【摘 要】
Through solving the single electron equation of motion and the Fokker Planck equation including the terms of electric field strength and ion-acoustic turbulence
【出 处】
Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Through solving the single electron equation of motion and the Fokker Planck equation including the terms of electric field strength and ion-acoustic turbulence, we study the influence of the ion-acoustic wave on the electron acceleration in turbulent reconnecting current sheets. It is shown that the ion-acoustic turbulence which causes plasma heating rather than particle acceleration should be considered. With typical parameter values, the
Through solving the single electron equation of motion and the Fokker Planck equation including the terms of electric field strength and ion-acoustic turbulence, we study the influence of the ion-acoustic wave on the electron acceleration in turbulent reconnecting current sheets. It is shown that the ion-acoustic turbulence which causes plasma heating rather than particle acceleration should be considered. With typical parameter values, the
作用力和反作用力做功情况的分析是学生学习的疑难点,经常出现根据作用力的做功情况判断反作用力的做功情况的错误做法,下面对作用力和反作用力的做功特点分析总结如下: 一、作用力和反作用力可以都不做功 例如,人造地球卫星绕地球做匀速圆周运动,相互间的万有引力都不做功;再如静止在水平桌面上的物体与桌面间的作用力和反作用力(支持力和压力)都不做功.
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