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自平衡法测试基桩抗压承载力时转换系数取值的合理性直接影响到检测结论的准确性。为确定砂性土中转换系数?的准确性,选取3个工程,主要土层均为砂性土,同一场地均进行了自平衡法和传统静载试验。每个工程中选取自平衡检测的基桩与传统静载的基桩为对比组,其地质条件、施工工艺、桩的几何尺寸、桩顶和桩底高相近或一致,以传统静载法测得结果为基准,采用Matlab编程对自平衡法测得等效荷载-位移曲线进行拟合,得出与传统静载法结果拟合度最佳的?取值。将?的拟合值和?=0.6、0.7和?原工程取值分别得到的等效位移荷载曲线与传统静载试验结果进行对比。结果表明,(1)3个工程中所得转换系数γ拟合值取值范围在0.42~0.71之间,与原工程中采用的γ值相比均偏小;(2)?取值对等效受压桩上段桩总摩阻力和弹性压缩量的影响很大;(3)采用转换系数γ拟合值计算的等效转换曲线与原工程中采用的?值相比更接近传统静载法所得结果,表明3个工程中?的取值均过大,导致所测极限承载力过于保守;(4)砂性土中自平衡转换系数建议取值为0.6~0.7左右。 The rationality of the value of conversion coefficient when testing the compressive bearing capacity of pile foundation by the self-balance method has a direct impact on the accuracy of the test conclusion. In order to determine the accuracy of the conversion coefficient in sandy soil, three projects were selected. The main soil layer was sandy soil. Both self-balance method and traditional static load test were conducted on the same site. Each project selected from the balanced detection of the pile and the traditional static load of the pile as a control group, the geological conditions, construction technology, pile geometry, pile top and bottom height similar or consistent with the traditional static method Based on the results, the equivalent load-displacement curves measured by self-balance method were fitted by Matlab programming, and the best fitting value with the traditional static load results was obtained. The fitting values ​​and the equivalent displacement load curves obtained from the original values ​​of 0.6, 0.7 and the original engineering values ​​are compared with the traditional static load test results respectively. The results show that (1) the fitting values ​​of the conversion coefficients γ obtained in the three projects range from 0.42 to 0.71, which are both smaller than the γ values ​​used in the original project; (2) (3) The equivalent conversion curve calculated by the fitting coefficient of conversion coefficient γ is closer to the traditional static load method than the value used in the original project The results show that the values ​​of 3 are too large, resulting in the ultimate bearing capacity is too conservative; (4) sand soil self-equilibrium conversion coefficient suggested value of about 0.6 to 0.7.
平日经常有一些同学,在给心理咨询老师的信中,谈到自己被形形色色的“管不住自己”的问题困扰着,很是苦恼。现在我们把这些信件中提到的比较有代表性的几个问题,摘录如下: T
“A.W.E”农业抗旱节水技术 ,是使用农用高吸水树脂(颗粒剂)采用干施、湿施或与土混匀 ,撒在植物根部周围(或耕作层底部)将外界补给的水份吸蓄起来(或形成凝胶状膜) ;干旱时 ,依靠植物根
一个大决口  将城市的街道淹没  岌岌可危的鄱阳湖大堤  落差十几米  就是成熟待割的庄稼  哪儿有干净的军装呢  形象也差  饿了 啃包方便面  困了 随地就趴  不是自己的兄弟  不是自己的儿女  最多感慨  谁常牵挂  牺牲了  也感到正常  唱起的  也只是裤腿  裹着泥巴  军人  和平的时期  常被人笑话  憨 直 傻  还有不少时候  无聊地问  优先怎么是他?  我常愤怒地想骂  
〔关键词〕 读书;联想;做题;阅读能力;思维能力  〔中图分类号〕 G633.6〔文献标识码〕 A  〔文章编号〕 1004—0463(2008)05(A)—0047—01    数学教学过程是一个不断变化发展的过程,各个教师的教学方法、教学环节可以有各种模式。本人在长期的教学实践当中,为培养和发展学生的各种能力,在教学过程中总结出“读书·联想·做题”的教学方法。    ※读书※    教科书是教
人生难免无聊。无聊是意义的空白。然而,如果没有这空白,我又怎么会记起我们对于意义的渴望呢?当情人不在场的时候,对情人的思念便布满爱情的空间。 Life is inevitably bor