【摘 要】
The paper describes the working principle and structure of a newly designed high-precision (micro-gal) gravimeter, which is basically a vertically suspending sp
【出 处】
Geodesy and Geodynamics
The paper describes the working principle and structure of a newly designed high-precision (micro-gal) gravimeter, which is basically a vertically suspending spring-weight system, using a highly sensitive capacitance sensor of movement in a controlled temperature environment in a borehole and a multi-frequency output for both earth-tide and earthquake monitoring. The preliminary test indicated that, while in a stabilization process, it had met all the technical requirements for a relative gravimeter used for earth tide and earthquake monitoring.
The paper describes the working principle and structure of a newly designed high-precision (micro-gal) gravimeter, which is basically a vertically suspending spring-weight system, using a highly sensitive capacitance sensor of movement in a controlled temperature environment in a borehole and a multi-frequency output for both earth-tide and earthquake monitoring. The preliminary test indicated that, while in a stabilization process, it had met all the technical requirements for a relative gravimeter used for earth tide and earthquake monitoring.
2016年6月28日早上,在陕西商洛市桂园巷口,65岁的商洛老汉王生成,照例坐在凳子上,卖他家散养的土鸡下的土鸡蛋。他身前竹筐子里的鸡蛋蛋壳上,都有红色的“生成散养”字样。有好奇的顾客询问为啥鸡蛋上有红字,王生成笑着说,这是他的私章,是为了保证鸡蛋质量,有问题好找他。 王生成告诉记者,去年有人买了他的鸡蛋和普通鸡蛋混卖,欺骗顾客。他很生气。他不想让消费者买到假的土鸡蛋,便想出在自家的土鸡蛋上盖章
小泡螺属于埃及血吸虫的中间宿主,主要分布于非洲、阿拉伯和近东地区以及印度洋西部的一些岛屿,包括马达加斯加和马斯长林群岛。Subha Rao等(1994)将从印度马哈拉施特拉的Po
All tragedies can be divided into two categories: those can have comedic potentials and those cannot. The former are based on external conflicts, having a gesta
为了减压。来自川渝的2000名大学生,近日在某旅游景区内展开了西瓜大战,1小时砸掉的西瓜重达1吨。该行为引起网友热议。不少网友质疑:“通过扔西瓜的方式减压是否合理?”“1吨西瓜被砸是不是太浪费了?” 大学生把西瓜当作玩具,进行西瓜大战,貌似减压,好像无可厚非,细细想来,其背后隐藏了太多的不应该。种植西瓜,要付出高强度的体力。看看那些瓜农在种植西瓜过程中付出的辛劳,谁还会舍得把西瓜一砸了之?至于说
2016年5月25日,杨绛先生去世。5月27日,杨绛先生遗体在北京火化。遵照杨绛先生遗嘱,丧事从简,“不设灵堂,不举行遗体告别仪式,不留骨灰”。 5月27日,中国社会科学院外国文学研究所发出讣告称:钱锺书、杨绛先生所藏珍贵文物字画,已全部无偿捐赠给中国国家博物馆。书籍、手稿及其他财产等,亦均做了安排,捐赠给国家有关单位,并指定了遗嘱执行人。 根据讣告,杨绛先生生前已将她和丈夫钱锺书先生二人全部