据高血压联盟统计,目前我国已有高血压患者近1亿人,大部分患者只能靠服药维持,难以治愈,部分患者因长期服药导致副作用,还有一些不知已患此病而导致突发性致死、致残者,其危害已不容忽视。 高血压一般分为原发性高血压(称高血压病)和继发性高血压,最近世界卫生组织和我国重新制订的高血压标准是大于或等于18.7/12千帕即140/90毫米汞柱。
According to the Hypertension League statistics, there are nearly 100 million hypertensive patients in our country at present, most of whom can only rely on medication to maintain and are difficult to cure. Some patients have side effects due to long-term medication, and some do not know that they have caused the disease Sexual fatality, disabled, its harm can not be ignored. Hypertension is generally divided into essential hypertension (referred to as hypertension) and secondary hypertension, and recently the World Health Organization and our country to reformulate the hypertension standard is greater than or equal to 18.7 / 12 kPa or 140/90 mmHg column.