Dynamic analysis of rotating flexible disk subjected to double slider loading systems

来源 :Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baino1
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Rotating disk subjected to stationary slider loading system is a very common mechanical structure.This paper investigates the multibody dynamics of a rotating flexible annular thin disk subjected to double slider loading systems.Along the rotating disk radial and circumferential directions,two stationary slider loading systems are distributed.System dynamic model is solved by Galerkin’s method,and then natural frequency,dynamic stability and mode shape are determined with a quadratic eigenvalue problem.Effects of the distributing positions and interaction mechanism of the double slider loading systems on natural frequency,dynamic stability and mode shape are discussed and investigated. Rotating disk subjected to stationary slider loading system is a very common mechanical structure. This paper investigates the multibody dynamics of a rotating flexible annular thin disk subjected to double slider loading systems. distributed.System dynamic model is solved by Galerkin’s method, and then natural frequency, dynamic stability and mode shape are determined with a quadratic eigenvalue problem. Effects of the distributing positions and interaction mechanism of the double slider loading systems on natural frequency, dynamic stability and mode shape are discussed and investigated.
刮板机是一种在槽内、借助运动的刮板链条连续输送散装物料的运输机械,由于位于工作塔内,吊车无法直接吊装到位,因此在工作塔内采用移动机构将其由吊孔洞口移至安装位置。 S
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