The Grammaticalization of Kong(一控)in Mandarin Chinese

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  Grammaticalization was first brought forward by French lin-guist A.Meillet(1912),which was used to descIibe how a lexicalform evolyes to a grammatical marker.Sinee then the academic cir-cles at home and abroad have attached importance to it.
  This article emphasizes on the analyses the grammaticalizationof“kong”in daily commuflication.Just as we have mentioned be-fore,the grammaticalization progress is both a synchronic progressand a diachronic phenomenon.The paper tries to explain the gram-maticalization progress of“kong”from the perspective of cognitivelinguistics.
  2.The mechanism and motivation of the grammaticalization
  Both reanalysis and analogy play a crucial role in grammatical-ization.They are both happen on the surface level of the grammarstructure.The fact of the grammaticalization is that the changing ofmeaning goes first and then it leads to the changing of the grammarstructure accordingly.
  3.The synchronic research of“kong”
  3.1 The original meaning of“kong”
  According to the Ancient Chinese Dictionary(Wang,2000),there are four items of explanation of“kong”:
  1)To drawing the bow.唐白居易《宣州试射中正鹄赋》:“在乎矢不虚发,弓不再控。”
  2)To control or conduct.《诗经·郑风·大叔于田》:“抑磬控忌,抑纵送忌。”
  3)To charge or accuse somebody.朱熹《诗经集传》:“控,持而告之也。”
  4)To drop.庄子《逍遥游》:“时则不至而控于地而已矣。”
  The“kong”in modern Chinese has maintained the meaningsin the ancient Chinese generally,but some meanings are missedand some new meanings are added.
  3.2 The extension of“kong”
  According to the modern Chinese dictionary(fifth edition,2005),“kong”can be explained as following:
  A.To charge叫accuse somebody.
  B.To control.
  C.To make the wh01e body or part of the body hung in theair.
  D.To turn the upside of the contaiher down so that the watercan outflow.
  Base on the illustration above,we can see that A&(3),arenearly same,also B&(2)and D&(4)respectively.C is a newextending meaning and(1)disappears.
  4.The grammaticalization of“kong”
  4.1“Kong”as a suffix
  “Kong”is USUally used as a sumx of a word to form an“xkong”structure in which“X”is a nominal word and“kong”hasconverted to a noun from a verb.So the structure is“NP+kong”.It is a nominal structure which can funetions as a subject,an ob-ject,an adverbial modmer or an attribute.Also according to thedifferent content of“x”before“kong”,the“x kong”structuremay have diflferent meanings.Generally,the“x kong” structurehas three kinds of meanings:   1)being found of something or somebody
  2)owning advantages or rich experience in certain fields
  3)Having some kind of complex or extreme affection to some-thing or somebody
  In A1“haixiankong”means that someone likes to eat seafood;and it funetions as a subject.In B,“chaoliukong”means peoplewho like to pursue fashion:it funetions as an adverbial modifier.InC“diannaokong”means a man who specializes in the computer orhas a good knowledge on computer;it funetions as an object.
  4.2“Kong”as a preffix
  “Kong”can also used as a premx to form a“kong X”struc-ture.Here the“x”should be a nominal word and the“kong”is still a verb.So the structure is“kong+NP”.The whole structureis used as a verbal structure.This structure means“being found ofsomething especially so that nearly controlled by the things”whichis nearly the same to the sense of(1)of the“NP+kong”.Wehave to pay attention to that the“kong+NP” is used much lessfrequently than the“NP+kong”in fact.It proves that the laterverbal structure is just in the preliminary stage of the verb evolu-tion.
  In(4)t0(6)above,the“kong” is a transitive verb followedby a nominal object.
  But sometimes the“kong” can be used as an intransitive verblike“kong+qilai(起来)”and“kong+daodi(到底)”.For ex-ample:
  This paper analyzes the“kong”in modern Chinese in the per-spective of grammaticalization synchronically and diachronically.Through the demonstration,we can know about the extended struc-tures and the usages of the structures from a macro view.
  [1]Langacker,Ronald W.1977.Mechanisms of SyntacticChange[M].Austin:University of Texas Press.
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