陶格拉西教授(Paof.A.E Douglass),是美国秋爽州立大学(University of arizona;Tucson)的天文学者,彼在1901年,以日斑(sun spot)之消长,足以影响气候上微细之变动,这微细变动,又必影响及於树木之生长;树木生长之历程,又见之於年轮。因创斑与年轮之关系一说,此说一出,和者踵起,因时推进,范围益广,致有今日之大观,而成科学之一支。年轮一说,理论上,应用上,现在已获重要立足点,如推展日斑的材料。断定美国西南部原有民族 Pueblo Indian衰落的年代,均其例也,供给气候微细变动之材料,又其一例也。此文是记载最後一项研究步骤之概要 ;是逢昌个人,1936年夏,在秋爽实习时,陶氏所授而逢笔述也。
Paof.AE Douglass, an astronomer from the University of Arizona (Tucson), was able to influence the subtle changes in the climate in 1901 with the increase of the sun spot This slight change will affect the growth of trees. The course of tree growth will also be seen in the growth rings. Because of the relationship between the wounds and the annual rings, the saying goes, and the heels rise, because of the time advance, the scope of benefits wide, to have today’s grand view, and become one of science. The annual ring said that in theory and in application, important standpoints have now been obtained, such as the promotion of asuka material. Judging from the decline of the Pueblo Indian, a nation of ethnic origin in the southwestern United States, examples of its supply of materials with subtle changes in climate are another example. This article is a summary record of the last research step; is Fengchang individual, the summer of 1936, during fall autumn internship, Dow granted and written.