本期向大家重点推介的三位艺术家, 所处地域不同,阅历不同各自的艺术风貌更是人相径庭。最为年长的朱松发先生生于皖东的天柱山下, 与一代宗师邓石如同乡,人生经历坎坷多难。兼擅山水、花鸟。以大笔如椽、恣肆雄强的画风屹立于当今画坛二十余年,可谓经霜老鹤,其唳愈清。南通才子范扬先生家学渊源,天才秀发。挟超世之才为移山之功,山水、花鸟、人物无不擅长; 工笔、重彩、泼墨皆有妙谐。今抱用世之心北上京华,其人生的又一轮辉煌已经开始,我们将拭目以待。巴蜀山水,雄秀特出; 巴蜀才人,泉涌奔突; 其道大光,其命唯新; 当今者谁,有秦天柱。这是本主持人对秦天柱先生多年关注之下的一点感想,无疑写意花鸟的西南一缕文脉, 陈子庄先生之后,秦天柱先生就是最重要的人物之一了。
In this issue, the three artists who have introduced themselves to different places have different geographical backgrounds and experience different artistic styles. Mr. Zhu Songfa, the youngest, was born under the Tianzhu Mountain in the east of Anhui Province, with a great master Deng Shirou as his hometown. His life experiences a lot of ups and downs. And good at landscapes, flowers and birds. To large, such as rafters, unbridled Xiongqiang style standing in today’s painting more than 20 years, can be described as frost cranes, the Yu Qing more. Nantong wit Mr. Fan Yang family origins, genius hair. Relying on the super-world just for the removal of mountain power, landscapes, flowers and birds, all the characters are good at; meticulous, heavy color, ink are wonderful coup. Now embrace the world heart Jinghua Beijing, another round of glory in his life has already begun, we will wait and see. Bashu landscape, outstanding male outstanding; Bashu only, spring rush Benkei its light, its only new life; now who, Qin Tianzhu. This is the host of Mr. Qin Tianzhu years of concern under the impression that no doubt a bird’s nest southwestern context, Mr. Chen Zizhuang, Mr. Qin Tianzhu is one of the most important figures.