烤白薯与烘山芋是一码事,北边叫烤白薯,江南叫烘山芋。 这是一种最大众化的食品。这是一种颇受孩子们欢迎的食品。 北方人常笑话南方人精打细算,说地上若丢一分钱的钢铺儿,北方人不愿弯腰去捡,南方人急急捡起,好派用场。如今南方人听到嗤之以鼻:别说一分两分,角票元票也不想捡了,除非孩子们学雷锋拾金不昧。但那时,可以到“老虎灶”泡开水,到马路口买一只烘山芋。 小时侯冬天上学的早点常常是这种烘山芋,刚出炉,烫手,包在手帕里,先暖手然后饱肚。
Roasted sweet potato and baked sweet potato is a yardstick, the north called baked sweet potato, southern called baked sweet potato. This is the most popular food. This is a very popular food for children. Northerners often joke southerners planted that if you throw a penny of steel on the floor children, the northerners do not want to bend over to pick up, southerners picked up in a hurry to use. Now southerners hear scoff: Do not say a penny, corner votes do not want to pick up the yuan, unless the children learn Lei Feng glitz. But then, you can go to the “tiger stove” soaked boiled water, to buy a baked potato at the crossing. When I was young, I often go to school early in the morning when I was young. When I was young, I was hot and hot, wrapped in a handkerchief, warming my hands and filling my belly.