2001年,由陶继新先生撰写的《“袖珍式学校”的大手笔》在《山东教育》、《中国教育报》上发表后,产生了较大的社会影响。当时,被有关专家称为“袖珍式学校”的山东省胶州市向阳小学是一所镇办学校,地不足9亩,人均占地仅有3.7平方米,只有一座1800平方米的教学办公楼,而它竟有20个教学班,1500名学生,80位教师!这一弹丸之地,却给了韩珍德这位智慧型校长层出不穷的创造力——胶州市向阳小学的“LC效应”与“2433工程”都曾让当时的教育界耳目一新! 时隔数年,陶继新先生又一次走进了向阳小学,而相别经年的韩珍德校长带给我们的,已不仅仅是那种曾经的感动了,他以他的智慧和谋略,带给我们的是宝贵的实践与探索,深层的思考与追求……
In 2001, the publication of “Pocket School” by Mr. Tao Jixin after publication in “Shandong Education” and “China Education Newspaper” had a great social impact. At that time, Xiangyang Primary School, Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province, which was referred to as a pocket-sized school by relevant experts, was a town-run school with an area of less than 9 mu and a per capita area of only 3.7 square meters. There was only one 1,800 square meters of teaching office building, And it actually has 20 teaching classes, 1,500 students, 80 teachers! This projectile, gave Han Zhende wisdom headmaster endless creativity - Jiao Yang Xiangyang primary school “LC effect” and “2433 Engineering ”have made the education industry refreshing at the time! After a few years, Mr. Tao Jixin went to Xiangyang Primary School once again, and the difference brought us by President Han Zhende has not only been touched by the past, It is his precious practice and exploration that he brought to us through his wisdom and tactics, deep reflection and pursuit ...