今年10月22日,是红军一、二、四方面军长征胜利会师60周年纪念日。长征,以她气壮山河的画卷、艰苦卓绝的经历、旷古未有的壮举,将成为中华民族历史上最壮丽的一页,成为华夏子孙世世代代最为景仰、最值得骄傲的精神遗产。 长征精神是什么?不同的人会有不同的回答。我觉得,长征精神是,为了民族利益不惜牺牲个人的一切,为了追求真理甘尝千辛万苦;有了崇高的信念就能战胜一切。长征精神是中华民族优秀传统最集中、最具代表性的体现。她已经和将会滋育着一代又一代中华民族的子孙。在新中国出生的,现今40岁左右的中年人,有谁不曾戴着红领巾,背着小书包,在往来学校的路上,一边走一边贪婪地翻读着长征的故事。我虽很不会唱歌,但却免不了爱哼哼几句肖华同志作词的《长征组歌》。每唱这首歌,我就觉得荡气回肠,激动不已,俗念全消。可以说,我们这一代人身上所具有的优秀品质,大部分应该归功于长征精神
October 22 this year is the 60th anniversary of the first, second and fourth commanders of the Red Army to win the victory. The long march to her magnificent mountains and rivers picturesque, arduous experience, unparalleled feat, will become the most magnificent page in the history of the Chinese nation, become the most admirable, most proud of the spiritual heritage of Chinese descendants. What is the spirit of the Long March? Different people will have different answers. In my opinion, the spirit of the Long March is that for the sake of national interests, we should sacrifice everything for the individual, seek hard truths and strive hard for the truth. With lofty convictions, we can defeat everything. The spirit of the Long March is the most concentrated and representative of the fine traditions of the Chinese nation. She has and will nurture generations of Chinese descendants. A middle-aged man, born in the People’s Republic of China and now about 40 years old, who has not worn a red scarf carrying a small school bag and read greetings of the Long March while walking to and from school. Although I will not sing, but inevitably love to hum a few Comrade Xiao Hua lyricist “Long March group song.” Every time I sing this song, I feel soul-stirring, excited endless, all read the concept of vulgar. It can be said that most of the excellent qualities of our generation should be attributed to the spirit of the Long March