由于社会不良文化的影响,近几年我国的未成年人违法犯罪率呈上升趋势。在这样的背景下,浙江省教育厅委托宁海县教育局进行改革尝试。宁海县教育局自2004年7月开始建立了一个立体互通、快速高效的监测预警网络,以便及时获得预警信息,事先预警,提前介入,采取应对措施,防止初中、高中学生违法犯罪行为的发生。 1.建立协调组织与预瞀机制运行网络建立了有政法、教育、文化、关工委、团委等职能部门参加的县中学生违法犯罪预警工作协调小组,
Due to the adverse social culture, the crime rate of juveniles in our country has been on the rise in recent years. In this context, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education commissioned Ninghai County Bureau of Education to try reform. Since July 2004, Ninghai Bureau of Education has established a three-dimensional, quick and efficient monitoring and early warning network so that early warning information can be obtained in time, early warning and intervention in advance, and countermeasures can be taken to prevent the occurrence of crimes committed by junior and senior high school students. 1. Establishment of coordinating organizations and operation network of pre-paid mechanism Established a coordinating group for early warning of criminal activities among middle school students with the participation of functional departments such as politics, law, education, culture, customs work committee and youth league committee,