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陶瓷材料的基本特性决定于它的化学组成和显微结构。国内,在电真空器件、半导体器件与微电子器件的技术应用方面,对瓷体的主成份纯度、添加剂种类、含量以及微量杂质都有较明确的要求,亦作了大量的研究工作。然而,在探索瓷体微观律性方面,尚有待进一步深入。 近年来,不少科技工作者认为,国内电子元器件结构中所用陶瓷的性能指标不能适应封接器件与制造工艺的技术要求。有关科研机构,工厂企业与大专院校已对用于封接的陶瓷的显微结构如晶相、玻璃相、气相的性质、形态、数量、大小,分布以及相互关系引起重视,系统地作了观察与实验分析工作,并取得了成 The basic properties of a ceramic material depend on its chemical composition and microstructure. In China, there are clear requirements on the purity, additive type, content and trace impurities of porcelain as well as a lot of research work on the technical application of electric vacuum devices, semiconductor devices and microelectronic devices. However, in exploring the micro-law of porcelain, it needs further study. In recent years, many scientists believe that the performance of ceramic components used in the structure of electronic components can not meet the technical requirements of sealing devices and manufacturing processes. Relevant scientific research institutes, factories, enterprises and tertiary institutions have given priority to the microstructures of the ceramics used for sealing such as the crystal phase, the glass phase, the nature, shape, amount, size, distribution and interrelation of the gas phase, systematically Observation and experimental analysis, and achieved
目的 探讨先天性上斜肌麻痹的手术治疗效果。方法 将我院近两年来先天性上斜肌麻痹患者35例,采用下斜肌断腱术、下斜肌部分切除术或联合上斜肌折叠术,对侧下直肌后退术或同侧