从20世纪90年代以来,以 Linux 为代表的开放源代码运动风起云涌,成为席卷全球 IT 业界的滚滚浪潮。不仅全球不少媒体纷纷对开放源代码运动大肆追捧,甚至包括 IBM、HP、Oracle 等在内的全球 IT 航母级巨头也都推波助澜,频频向Linux 抛出橄榄枝。一时间,开放源代码似乎成了全球软件未来演进的美丽天堂,而数十年来主导全球软件产业形态的非开放源代码的商业软件,则似乎一下子变成了价格昂贵、寡头垄断和漏洞百出的代名词,成为频频见诸报端受种种批评的众矢之的。开放源代码软件真的如斯美丽吗?
Since the 1990s, the open-source movement represented by Linux has surged and has become a tide of waves sweeping the global IT industry. Not only many of the media in the world have sought after the open source movement, but even the global IT carrier-class giants such as IBM, HP, Oracle, etc. Have also fueled the issue and have frequently thrown an olive branch to Linux. For a time, open source seems to be a beautiful paradise for the future of global software, and non-open source commercial software that has dominated the global software industry for decades has all of a sudden become costly, oligopolistic and leaky Synonymous with the critics of the newspapers and newspapers. Is open source software really beautiful?