Roles of Rho/Rock Signaling Pathway in Silica-induced Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition in Human Bro

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jushicahgn
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Objective To investigate the roles of Rho/Rock signaling pathway in silica-induced Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in human bronchial epithelial cells (BEC) in vitro. Methods Human BEC were incubated with silica with various concentrations for indicated times. Cell viability was assayed by MTT test. Morphologic Changes were observed by microscope. Mesenchymal marker α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), vimentin (Vim), and epithelial marker E-cadherin (E-cad) were analyzed by Western Blot. The pull-down assay was used to measure Rho activity. In the prevention experiments, the specific inhibitor for Rho effector ROCK (Y27632) was used to inhibit the activity of Rho. Results Human BEC stimulated with silica were converted from a ’’cobblestone’’ epithelial structure into an elongated fibroblast-like shape structure. Incubation of human BEC with silica induced de novo expression of α-SMA and Vim, and loss of E-cad. Also, silica treatment resulted in Rho activation in human BEC. Y27632 up-regulated the E-cad expression but attenuated α-SMA and Vim expression in silica-stimulated cells. Conclusion The activation of Rho/ROCK signaling pathways is most likely involved in Silica-induced EMT in human bronchial epithelial cells. Objective To investigate the roles of Rho / Rock signaling pathway in silica-induced Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in human bronchial epithelial cells (BEC) in vitro. Methods Human BEC were incubated with silica with various concentrations for indicated times. Cell viability was assayed by MTT test. Morphologic Changes were observed by microscope. Mesenchymal marker α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), vimentin (Vim), and epithelial marker E-cadherin down assay was used to measure Rho activity. In the prevention experiments, the specific inhibitor for Rho effector ROCK (Y27632) was used to inhibit the activity of Rho. Results Human BEC stimulated with silica were converted from a ’’ cobblestone ’’ epithelial structure Incubation of human BEC with silica induced de novo expression of α-SMA and Vim, and loss of E-cad. Also, silica treatment resulted in Rho activation in human BEC. Y27632 up-regulated the E-cad expression but attenuated α-SMA and Vim expression in silica-stimulated cells. Conclusion The activation of Rho / ROCK signaling pathways is most likely involved in Silica-induced EMT in human bronchial epithelial cells.
摘要:在中华民族五千年的历史长河中,激起过无数神话传说的浪花,被以各种形式传承下来,对此进行比较完整记载的有《山海经》《淮南子》《庄子》等诸多古籍。在岁月的漫漫长河中,随着生产力的进步,伴着政治经济等社会的发展,神话在各个朝代之中以不同文学形式为载体的进行着传承,而这对整个华夏社会的发展产生了不可磨灭的影响,同时华夏社会的发展也毫无闪躲的浸染着中国的神话传说,一代代的流传下来。  关键词:神话;社
摘要:荀子是先秦时期儒学的代表人物,他的思想体系博大精深,其中有关道德教育思想的论述至今仍然对我们的思考有启迪作用。荀子坚持“性恶论”,认为可以通过“化性起伪”的方式来逐渐地使人变善。他的“性恶论”实际上是为“外在超越论”作依据的,外在超越论有三种,文章主要阐述他的礼乐教化论以及他的道德教育思想对我们现在德育工作的启示。  关键词:荀子;性恶论;化性起伪;礼教;乐教  荀子是我国先秦时期伟大的政治