Guangzhou has built a large number of houses for more than 30 years, improving the living conditions of the people. However, before the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, under the influence of heavy production of the Pan Pan, production and life were inconsistent, and the construction of houses could not meet the needs of the people’s lives; the reconstruction of the urban areas lacked complete and unified planning, construction area and standards. The high and low, the monotonous form of construction is not enough, so it is inevitable that the problem of residential construction will cause great concern. At present, the housing problem is a serious social problem. However, the lack of urban land and high population density are prominent contradictions in Guangzhou. The problem of residential land is one of the reasons for the slow progress of residential construction in Guangzhou. Therefore, the reconstruction of the old city will inevitably become an important aspect of the future housing construction.