随着旅游和经济的发展,人们对艺术品及工艺品的需求日渐提升,大家在休闲之时光顾各种工艺品市场及购买工艺品和艺术品作为陈设,已经成为一种时尚。综观国内各艺术、工艺品市场,虽多但确没有太多的特色,工艺品的开发单调,销售形式商业味过浓,艺术欣赏和收藏价值较低,没有形成一个具有良好效应的综合市场。 笔者有幸被以色列外交部邀请,参加“MASHAV”国际培训中心高级研修班的培训,在学习期间,参观了位于以色列特拉维夫市中心
With the development of tourism and economy, the demand for works of art and handicrafts has been on the rise. It has become fashionable for everyone to patronize all kinds of handicrafts markets and buy handicrafts and works of art as furnishings at leisure. Looking at the domestic art and handicraft markets, although there are not many features, the development of handicrafts is monotonous. The commercial sales style is too rich. The value of art appreciation and collection is relatively low, and there is no comprehensive market with good effects. I was fortunate enough to be invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel to attend the training courses of the “MASHAV” International Training Center. During my study, I visited the center of Tel Aviv, Israel