[编者按]近年来,门头沟区统计局遵循“以人为本”的原则,在统计业务建设、统计队伍培养等方面形成了一整套独特合理的体制。今年是该局贯彻“引进人才、用好人才、留住人才”政策以后人才引进规模最大的一次,来自西安统计学院、北京林大、山西财经大学等四所高校的七名大学生在无限憧憬中走进了他们的统计人生。 这篇《在路上》是新进大学生入局数月的心得体会中的一篇,其纯真的思想感受、朴实的语言表达展现的不仅仅是一个刚刚踏入社会的年轻学生的执着与坦率,更能让人体味那句古语的真实内涵:“问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来”。
[Editor’s note] In recent years, Mentougou District Statistics Bureau follows the principle of “people-oriented” and has formed a set of unique and reasonable systems in terms of statistics business construction and statistics team cultivation. This year marks the largest introduction of talents since the introduction of the “introduction of qualified personnel, good use of qualified personnel and retention of qualified personnel” policy by the Bureau. Seven students from four universities, namely Xi’an Institute of Statistics, Beijing Lin Da, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Into their statistical life. This “on the road” is one of the experiences of new college students who have been admitted for several months. Its innocent thoughts and feelings and plain language expression show not only the dedication and frankness of a young student who has just stepped into the society Can make people appreciate the true connotation of the phrase old saying: “Where can I ask so clear, for the active living water.”