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应对社会可持续性发展的世界性需求,我党十八大将建设环境友好型社会作为重要的民生问题提出,标志着在物质文明的建设达到一定节点的时候,已经必然拓展到关注生态文明建设的历史阶段。忽略了环境保护的经济发展不是健康的,付出蓝天白云代价的工业进步不是正态的,生态文明建设与人民的幸福指数正态相关。而生态文明的的建设需要公众舆论的统一支持,生态文明意识的培养和普及需要文化领域的宣传配合。作为文化重要组成部分的文学,因其反映社会和影响社会的特殊功能,必然在建设环境友好型社会中不可或缺。尤其是兴起于欧美并传播到我国的文学生态批评理论,以工业题材文学作品为主要表现领域,从生态学角度出发,关注生态状况对人类精神世界的影响,必然在助力建设环境友好型社会的过程中起到举足轻重的作用。 To meet the worldwide demand for the sustainable development of society, the 18th CPC National Congress proposed to build an environment-friendly society as an important livelihood issue, marking the inevitable expansion of the construction of material civilization to a certain level when it focuses on the building of ecological civilization The historical stage. Ignoring the economic development of environmental protection is not healthy, the blue sky and white clouds to pay the price of industrial progress is not normal, the construction of ecological civilization and people’s happiness index is related to the normal. The construction of ecological civilization requires the unified support of public opinion. The cultivation and popularization of ecological civilization needs the propaganda and cooperation in the field of culture. As an important part of culture, literature, because of its special function of reflecting society and affecting society, is bound to be indispensable in building an environment-friendly society. Especially in the literary theory of ecological criticism which originated in Europe and the United States and spread to our country, taking industrial subject literary works as the main field of performance, from the point of view of ecology, paying attention to the influence of ecological conditions on the human spiritual world is inevitably conducive to building an environment-friendly society The process plays a decisive role.
阐述了“和谐高效、思维对话”型课堂的内涵以及构建该课堂的一些做法,并反思了在实践过程中受影响的因素和改进措施。 This paper expounds the connotation of “Harmonio