In this paper, the multi-source remote sensing data such as ETM + and Resource No.3 are used to describe the geometric distribution and tectonic features of the Yishu fault zone (Shandong belt of Tanlu fault zone) through a series of image processing such as mosaic, enhancement and fusion. Interpretation. The results show that the Yishu fault zone is generally NNE and consists of five main faults, namely Fuling Guogu fault (F_1), Yishui - Tangtou fault (F_2), Fenfenzi - ), The Changyi-Dadian fault (F_4) and the Anqiu-Juxian fault (F_5), and the remote sensing image formed a two-cutting first base tectonic geomorphology pattern. Each of the faults has obvious remote sensing tectonic geomorphology and is characterized by Linear characteristics, color differences, beaded lake distribution, fault scarps, fault cliffs and fault plug ponds. The Anqiu-Juxian fault (F_5) has the characteristics of historical earthquake surface rupture, fault scarp and fault Newer events such as ditch sync dextral dislocation indicate that this fault is the strongest tectonically active one in the five main faults and has a clear control over the occurrence of strong earthquakes.