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根据罗香林教授在《客家源流考》中考证,客家先民南迁分五个时期。他的结论是“始于东晋”;而且断言,东晋以前入粤的汉人,决非民系源流的交涉。台、港一些专家、教授,对此结论提出异议,认为汉族中的客家人,由中原大批南迁是始于秦。 According to Professor Luo Xianglin “Hakka origin flow test” research, Hakka ancestors moved south divided into five periods. His conclusion was “beginning with the Eastern Jin Dynasty.” He also asserted that the Han people who entered Guangdong before the Eastern Jin Dynasty were by no means the origins of the people’s court. Some experts and professors in Taiwan and Hong Kong disagreed on this conclusion. They think that a large number of Hakka people in the Han people moved southwards from the Central Plains to Qin.
【摘要】自主学习一直是学生提高积极性与有效性的途径之一,是从被动机械的学习转化为主动的学习。在英语教学中,英语教师应该如何以学生为中心去激励学生进行主动学习是教师所要探讨的问题。本文结合新课改的基本理念,从自身的教学实践出发,探究了激励机制在教学中的实用性与可行性。  【关键词】自主学习 初中英语教学 激励机制  德国教育家第斯多惠曾说:“教学艺术其实不在于传授学生多少本领,而在于对学生的鼓舞、激