(哦!狂野的西风,你把秋气猛吹,不露脸便将落叶一扫而空。) 幼年多病的我,留存在记忆深处的原风景,是那呼啸的西风,以力神之臂横扫过我家乡旷野的荒凉和葱笼,我无数次追促你无形的影子,寻觅你掠过而没留下的痕迹。偶然会惊喜地发现远处已萌动着春天的绿色和慢慢移动的驼峰;于是夏天来了,从遥远的、半明半暗的地平线上飘来白白的云彩、映衬在苍青诱惑的天幕上;神手一翻一复,天空便又卷起了一阵狂风,瞬息万变,乌云密布,轰隆隆的巨雷夹着闪电滚过头顶之后,大雨开始瓢泼。 自然以奥妙无穷征服了幼年的童心,我确信在人间万物之上
(Oh! Wild westerly, you slammed autumn, leaves without face will be swept away.) I was sick childhood, leaving the original memory of the original landscape, is that the whistling westerly, to God The arm swept past the desolation and green onion cage of my homeland, and I chased your invisible shadow countless times to find the traces that you skipped without leaving behind. Occasionally, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the distant spring has greeted the green and slowly moving humps of the spring; so the summer came, with white clouds drifting from the distant, half-moon horizon, against the lure of Cang green ; God hand over and over again, the sky then rolled up a burst of wind, rapidly changing, cloudy, thunderstruck huge lightning thrashed over the top of the lightning, the heavy rain began pouring. Naturally subdue the mysterious infancy innocence, I am convinced that everything in the world above