
来源 :上海大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:diliwer3
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TiO2/ormosil planar waveguide was prepared by sol-gel method at low thermal treatment temperature < 200 ℃. Scanning electron microscope, FT-IR spectrometer, spectrophotometer, atomic force microscopy, thermal analyzer, and dark m-line spectroscopy were used with the method of scattering-detection to investigate optical and strucural properties. High optical quality waveguide film was obtained. The propagation loss of film was 0.569 dB/cm at a wavelength of 632.8 nm.
A: discrete isospectral problem and the associated hierarchy of Lax integrable lattice equations were investigated. A Darboux transformation for the discrete sp
中新网北京6月5日报道,根据JAMA Oncology期刊进行的一项最新研究显示,乳腺癌仍然是中国女性新发肿瘤病例数量最高的肿瘤,而肺癌是男性新发病例数量最高的肿瘤。在中国,2013
The lower bound for the volume of the zonotope for John-basis had been given by Ball. In this paper, a simple proof of Balls inequality was first provided, then
This paper presents a complete proof of a conjecture given by Ashwin, Deane and Fu that the map describing the dynamical behavior of the Sigma-Delta modulator h
文章用典型的示范工程所取得的效益来反映CIMS主题 15年来取得的成就 ,用各种工业机器人的应用实例来体现机器人主题以信息化带动工业化 ,用高新技术改造传统产业的目标。还