在公共场所,听到寻呼机嘟嘟的声音,你可能会感到有点儿刺耳,要是看到有人在翻看着寻呼机,你多半会认为他老土.确实,如今已是手机和掌上电脑等新鲜玩艺的天下,哪里还有寻呼机的立足之地?而且,连手机和掌上电脑都是日新月异,刚买不多时日的手机,说不定就已经过时了,何况是“老三届”的寻呼机了?“,”The statistics shows that 7 million users are wiped out from pager service field in China annually. Why and where should pager service go in face of the challenge brought by emerging communication technology and the improved living standard? The slowdown of pager service objectively reflects the great advance in public communication means as most of the lost users join the cellular phone group. From the point view of sole competition, mobile communication is the biggest adversary of pager service. In addition, inner problem is an important sector leading to the difficulty of pager service. Presently, China Unicom, associated with paging stations, present the progress achieved in pager service and the resolution to launch new services for subsistence and development. It is reasonable for pager service in a mess advancing to a regulated and perfect future.