Case report The patient, female, 40 years old, suffered sudden headache due to mental stimulation. The course of the disease was 3 months. After 20 days, diplopia appeared, and the right eyelid ptosis accompanied by vomiting during heavy headache. Development to blindness, have appeared ants right facial sensation, right upper quadrant pain, July 4, 1987 outpatient clinic with right orbital apex syndrome admitted to hospital. Examination: Consciousness, fluent language, right eyelid ptosis, right pupil dilated, light reflex disappeared, eye movement disorders in all directions, right eye blindness, the right trigeminal nerve area of shallow feeling of diminished, the opening of the mandibular right deviation. X-ray photography: skull base, bipolar nerve hole, Kirschner, orbital, ethmoidal sinus, sinus lateral, bone no abnormalities; right carotid artery angiography in addition to the median as slightly elevated , I remained unchanged.Application of CT enhanced scanning confirmed; right after the next group of ethmoid sinus tumors, violations