夏天,这个季节的主角是女性。经历3个季度的漫长等待,女人在这一季节,当仁不让地宣告美丽。1 肌肤是女人自信的锋芒 有些女人敢于挑战身材,拥有青春资本的她们大口吃着冰淇淋,却继续保持着曼妙身姿;有些女人敢向情感宣战,越是放纵自己,越是得到男人宠爱。可是很少有女人敢与肌肤作对。因为聪明的女人知道,肌肤就如女人本身,她是美丽的,妖艳多变的,也是脆弱的,所以肌肤不知不觉中就成为她们展露的锋芒。
In summer, the protagonist of this season is female. After three long wait for the season, women in this season, doing my part to declare beautiful. 1 Skin is the woman’s confidence edge Some women dare to challenge the body, with young capital, they eat ice cream, but continue to maintain a graceful posture; some women dare to declare war on emotion, the more indulge themselves, the more loved by men. But few women dare to fight against the skin. Because clever woman knows, the skin is like the woman itself, she is beautiful, glamorous and changeable, but also fragile, so the skin unknowingly become the highlight of their show.