在按照I/O数量划分的市场总量中,256点以下的小型PLC市场巨大,占据市场总额的64%。体积小巧、价格便宜、功能强大的小型PLC似乎正在成为继续维护PLC市场的法宝。新时期的终端用户和OEM厂商将如何决定PLC 的品牌选择?面对多种控衬技术的竞争压力,小型PLC何去何从?
Among the total market volume divided by the number of I / Os, the small PLCs under 256 points have a huge market, accounting for 64% of the total market. Small size, cheap, powerful small PLC seems to be the magic weapon to continue to maintain the PLC market. The new era of end-users and OEM manufacturers will decide how to choose the brand of PLC? Faced with a variety of control technology competition pressure, small PLC go from here?