In the past in the early stages of the study to open the occlusal mechanism, rarely involved in the mandibular rotational growth, and the purpose of this study is to investigate the Class Ⅱ Class Ⅰ malocclusion with deep overbite (occlusal) growth changes in the mandible, And the significance of these changes in deep overbite therapy. Except for 1 case of Activator appliance, the cases were treated with Begg filament arch technique. The research methods were: depicting and overlapping the head flaps, aligning the S overlap SN, aligning the ANS overlap ANS - PNS, the internal structure of the mandible also overlap. The author analyzes from the following three aspects. Initial open bite The authors report in a case report that the reduction of incisors is the primary goal of treating deep overbite in long-sided patients with non-growing individuals or mandibular spinosylation. Growth and development of individuals, accompanied by deep overbite (occlusal), the mandible forward rotation growth, the incisor pressure and molars