Biochemical studies in recent years have shown that there are presynaptic opiate receptors at the axons and nerve fiber terminals. These lipoprotein receptors, since the synthesis of neuroblastoma, by which way or route, delivery to the peripheral site to play a role, it is unclear. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine with a high sensitivity, can be quantitative determination of opioid receptor marker micro-autoradiography found in rat nodose ganglion opiate receptors; ligation of the vagus nerve, the ligature line Large opioid receptor accumulation. This experimental result, for the first time, shows that opioid receptors are transported through the axoplasm to the distal site after synthesis of neuronal soma. Young et al. First isolated the nodose ganglion and the vagus nerve, and ligated the vagus nerve approximately 1.5 cm below the ganglion. At different times after ligation, the nerves at both ends of the ligation line were excised 3 to 4 cm, and after the freezing, serial sections of 8 to 10 μm were made and fixed on a slide glass. With