Financial revenue and expenditure reflects the strength of local governments, but also a barometer of regional economic growth. As of August 7, in addition to Sichuan, Heilongjiang, Tibet and other provinces, the remaining 28 provinces disclosed the first half of the fiscal revenue. From the first half of the total public budget revenues, the top three provinces have no suspense and are still Guangdong (543.9 billion yuan), Jiangsu (451.6 billion yuan) and Shanghai (419.6 billion yuan). However, compared with the same period of last year, Guangdong and Jiangsu incomes are rapidly expanding, a difference of nearly 100 billion, while Shanghai is pressing on Jiangsu. Income growth can better reflect the potential for economic growth in the region. In the first half of this year, Shanghai’s general public budget revenue was far ahead, up 30.6% YoY. Guangdong ranked second with an 18% growth rate while Liaoning continued to bottom with a negative growth rate of 18.6%. However, the decline in revenue slowed from the same period of last year.