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一7世纪60、70年代,是东亚形势发生巨变的时代。660年,唐朝越海灭百济,以后,又敉平百济遗民的反抗,大破倭军于白江口,南北合击高句丽于平壤,终于实现了隋朝以来安定东北亚的梦想。然而,自668年平高句丽后,局势旋即发生微妙变化,追随唐朝的新罗开始暗中支持百济、高句丽遗民反抗唐朝,甚至发展到直接与唐朝兵戎相见,两国关系迅速恶化。出人意外的是,这场抗争的结果却以新罗统一朝鲜全境、而唐罗两国关系趋于友好稳定而告 In the 60s and 70s of the 7th century, it was an era when the situation in East Asia changed dramatically. In 660, after the Tang Dynasty crossed the sea to kill Baekje, they rebelled against the resistance of the Baji People, breaking the Japanese occupation forces in the White River Mouth and combating Goguryeo in Pyongyang. It finally realized the dream of stabilizing Northeast Asia since the Sui Dynasty. However, subtle changes took place immediately after the Putonghua movement ended in 668. Silla, who followed the Tang dynasty, began secretly supporting Baekje and the Goguryeo descendants against the Tang dynasty. It even developed directly into military relations with the Tang Dynasty. The relations between the two countries deteriorated rapidly. Surprisingly, the result of this protest was that Shilla unified the territory of North Korea and that the relations between the two countries became friendly and stable
战争是一件非常残酷的事,伤亡是不可能完全避免的,但人们还是希望能够制造一些特殊的装备,让它们去执行某些特别危险的任务,以减少自己人员的伤亡。  无线电遥控技术的出现,让人们有机会从远处对一些特殊装备进行遥控,这样无人装备就应运而生。最早登上战场的无人作战装备,应该是二战时期纳粹德国制造的“巨人”式无人遥控爆破坦克。说白了,这种遥控爆破坦克和今天市场上卖的遥控玩具车没有太大的区别,但在当时,却堪称一