目的了解铅锌矿职工尘肺病发生现状。方法依据《职业健康监护管理办法》和GBZ 70-2009《尘肺病诊断标准》及《尘肺病诊断标准片》,对1989年以来某市赴凉山州某铅锌矿70名务工人员进行职业健康检查和尘肺病诊断。结果诊断为尘肺病的61人,尘肺病发生率87.14%,明显高于某市煤炭系统尘肺病(4.38%)的发生率。其中矽肺Ⅲ期36例,占矽肺病例的59.01%,明显高于1949—1998年四川省Ⅲ期矽肺11.62%的构成比例。结论该铅锌矿务工人员矽肺病发生呈现发病率高、高期别矽肺发生率高等严重危害劳动者健康的特点,应加强职业健康监护及劳动防护措施的改善,使劳动者的健康得到合法保障。
Objective To understand the status quo of lead-zinc mine workers pneumoconiosis. Methods According to the “Occupational Health Monitoring and Management Measures” and GBZ 70-2009 “pneumoconiosis diagnostic criteria” and “pneumoconiosis diagnostic criteria”, since 1989, a city went to Liangshan Prefecture, a lead-zinc mine 70 workers for occupational health checks And pneumoconiosis diagnosis. Results 61 cases were diagnosed as pneumoconiosis, the incidence of pneumoconiosis was 87.14%, which was significantly higher than the incidence of pneumoconiosis (4.38%) in a city’s coal system. Among them, 36 cases of stage Ⅲ silicosis, accounting for 59.01% of cases of silicosis, were significantly higher than 11.62% of stage Ⅲ silicosis of Sichuan Province from 1949 to 1998. Conclusion The lead-zinc mine workers have a high incidence of silicosis, high incidence of silicosis in high risk seriously endangering the health of workers. Occupational health monitoring and improvement of labor protection measures should be strengthened so that workers’ health is legally guaranteed .