在网上最早看芭蕉的作品是那篇《白蛇·青蛇》,瘦得有仙气的“我”往电脑上敲了两行诗:“软红十丈人间,八十四骨情怀。”然后通过网络发送出去,二十秒钟后居然有人搭话,对方也是两行诗:“断桥是聚还散,回首良人不再。”一个带有仙狐气的现代爱情故事就这么开始了,而且还和网络有关。起初见到这部作品时我感到惊讶,芭蕉怎么想到去写这么一部中篇小说?一个始终不承认自己是现代许仙的“我”,遇见了现代白娘子和小青,再加上“我”的同事、学校里的政治教员金海山(法海),四个人之间演绎出一折当代《白蛇传》,结局依然是悲剧性的,没有人性的蛇再一次对本应充满人性的人深深失望,白娘子和小青以一种绝美的姿势化入水中,故事到此嘎然而止。 纵观芭蕉网上的写作,他似乎对这一类亦真亦幻的爱情故事情有独钟,另一篇
The earliest works of Basho on the Internet is that “White Snake Snake”, lean fairy “I” knocked on the computer two lines of poem: “soft red ten feet world, eighty-four bone feelings.” Then Sent through the network, twenty seconds after actually someone spoke, the other is also a two-line poem: “Brokeback is poly still loose, no longer look back.” A modern love story with a fairy fox so began, But also related to the network. When I first saw this work, I was surprised. How did Banana think of writing such a novella? One who never recognized himself as “modern” Xu Xuxian, met the modern white lady and Xiaoqing, and added “ I ”colleague, political instructor Kim Hae-shan (Fahai) in the school, and deducting a contemporary“ White Snake ”from four people. The ending is still tragic, and the human snake once again shows to the human being Deeply disappointed, the White Snake and Xiaoqing in a beautiful posture into the water, the story came to a halt. Looking at the online writing of banana, he seems to have a special love for this type of true and false love story.